We all like to spend less by buying an economy class ticket and getting the benefits of executive class or business class. This happens when airline tickets are upgraded. It is not easy to get a regular promotion but yes if you are lucky enough you can get one. There are many airlines that upgrade your ticket by paying a …
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Advantages of low cost airlines
The changing economy has drastically changed the operations of airlines across India as air travel becomes increasingly affordable. Budget travelers, who previously chose trains over flights, can now choose to travel by plane without having to bother. Statistics show that the share of low-cost airlines (LCCs) has risen significantly in recent years, mainly because corporate travelers are switching to LCCs …
Read More »Overseas, but not more than budget
Choose destinations with value for money. Where to go for warmth is a wide choice. But take Sydney off your bucket list. It may be the climate in Australia, but the prices keep up with it. Same for Barbados. Check out Ecuador, Honduras, and Colombia. Yes, Columbia has seriously cleaned up its act. Now she just has to fix her …
Read More »The website focuses on traveling around the world
Traveling around the world, from small town festivals around the world to the highest mountains, is part of the coverage offered by a website that focuses on all types of travel in every country on earth. The site presents photos, stories, and videos from around the world with a major focus on the southern United States and all states in …
Read More »4 things you didn’t know about budget travel insurance
Are you one of those people who love to explore different countries, learn about their culture or just want to visit unique places? Traveling can be a luxurious thing to do, but with the new experience and learning and the new people it brings into your life, it’s worth every dime. For travel security, this is where travel insurances come …
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